Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My life looks like a LOTTO

My Calgary's life is fantastic~!!
I came to Calgary in 2008. 3 25.
First time I couldn't adjust Calgary's life. Everything was stranged. For example, I afraided even riding a C-train and bus. Also, I feared that talk about with native speaker.
But, now I overcame manythings. Nowadays, I enjoy my life everyday.
I think that I'm so lucky guy. Because I met many good friends and teachers in the ESL COURSE. You guys are lotto to me. I'm so happy to meet you guys~!!!!!!


emi said...

Hello Gambler, Jin!!!!! We are good gamblers! LOL:) Let's go to Casino~><

marvin said...

Gambler? Maybe.. It makes sence ;)

I wish you good luck, Jin!!

Alejandra said...

Hello Jin:::

Is a pleasure to met you!!! You took us to the Calgary Tower and it was an amazing experiencie....

Thanks for be my friend....