Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My great experience~!!

When I was in the military, I applied the overseas dispatch of armed forces to Iraq. Because I liked peace and I wanted unique experience.
So, I went to Iraq when September, 3rd, 2006. First, I went to Kuwait where Virginia Camp of America military. I stayed in there for 1week and I went to Iraq by the transport plane.
The firt time, I couldn't adjust the weather. There was so hot, so my face was easily burned by sunshine. In there, I recieved the gun and bullets. I alwalys used to take these things beside me. I worked in the middle of division for six months. Our dispatch's aims are Iraqi's peace and recunstruction whithout fighting.
In there life, I felt two things . First one is that national power is very important. I saw America military. Compared with them, our country must raise national power than now. Second thing is that family is the most important all of the world. I really missed my faimily a lot.
March, 1st, 2007, finally I could came back to my country safely.
I think that this experience is very precious treasure to me.


marvin said...

I think it's really nice memory for you and it makes you get stronger and endure all kinds of bad circumstance;) Anyway, we have something to do today, don't we?

emi said...

oh! you have a precious experience in Iraq. In my contry don't have a military system. I suprised little bit after reading that because most thing is first time for me!

Claudia said...

Hi Jin!!
I just want to greeting you, and thank you for sharing with me your lunch time, it is a wonderful time!!